Cosmetology Essays (Examples)

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Cosmetology Code of Ethics Cosmetology
Pages: 4 Words: 1151

In these instances the provider still must hold a valid cosmetology license from any state.
Are the Moral Principles Adequate for Cosmetology?

When considering the importance that people place on how they look, one would think that the moral implications of cosmetology would be vast. However, it appears that most moral conundrums center on legally providing services and keeping the clients safe. These moral issues are addressed adequately with Florida's chapter 477, regulating cosmetology. The regulations clearly dictate the need for licensing before providing services, and even specify exactly the very limited situations where a cosmetologist can perform services outside of a licensed salon. Health concerns for the clients are addressed thoroughly too, with mandatory training in sanitation, sterilization, and diseases and disorders for cosmetologists, even those performing very basic services, like hair braiding and hair wrapping.

Interestingly, there are no regulations concerning the subjective nature of performing services to the best…...



477.012 -- Purpose. (2009). Retrieved April 16, 2009, from .

477.0132 Hair braiding, hair wrapping, and body wrapping registration. (2009). Retrieved April 16, 2009, from .

477.0263 Cosmetology services to be performed in licensed salon; exception. (2009). Retrieved April 17, 2009, from .

Mohammed, H. (21 Nov 2008). Hair apparent. Black Voices. Retrieved April 16, 2009, from .

Cosmetology and Sociology Do Not
Pages: 2 Words: 653

The breakthroughs that I see do not occur as often as I would hope, but I have noticed that I share drive and determination with my mentor. We both believe that working hard is the key to success, and that helping troubled teens requires an open heart and an open mind. Moreover, the caseworker I shadow is one who works specifically with juveniles living in detention and foster care facilities. I have been blessed with the opportunity to serve the Baltimore community in this fashion and I intend to pursue a career in exactly that field: juvenile care.
Children and adolescents who grow up in unstable home environments do not have enough safety nets or support systems that can help them thrive. Not everyone can enjoy a loving extended family as I did; when my mother passed away I relied on my aunt for stability and support and she adopted…...

Industry With Which I Have
Pages: 10 Words: 3675

I think that proper networking and research on who is making quality products, and finding a vendor with a good track record of customer satisfaction would be crucial in getting a positive consumer reaction.

Networking is invaluable when you do not miss opportunities that are available just from people talking about your product. Some of the smaller stores are involved in fairs and events where products can be introduced to the public without the burden of larger brand name competition.

Additionally, my variety of personal strengths will help me succeed when I launch my new business. I am not intimidated by the possibility that my business might fail. I know that I will work very hard to make my business successful, and if the business is not successful, I will know that I would have done everything possible to make the business succeed.

I am not afraid or intimidated by required changes…...



The Body Shop. (2004) Where we come from. Retrieved October 2, 2004, from:

Bath & Body Works, Inc. (nd). Retrieved October 2, 2004, from: -- /free-co- factsheet.xhtml

Biesada, a. (2004) Hoovers Online. The Body Shop International PLC.


For-Profit Education vs Non-Profit Education
Pages: 60 Words: 17404

NPSAS was the only study in 1996 that encompassed the people who enrolled in the for-profit institutions which is why not even the very basic criteria of the for-profit sector and its educational setup has been well-recognized (reneman, Pusser and Turner 2000; Chung, 2006).
The confirmation that the students who had some sort of shortcoming whether in the financial sector, minority aspect or admittance-timeline factor were the ones who mainly enrolled in the for-profit educational institution was made by Apling and Aleman in a study they conducted in 1990, and Lee and Merisotis in a study they conducted in the same year which were also then matched by Phipps et al. (2000) and JL Associates (2004).

Grubb was the only researcher who, in the year 1993, explored and assessed the influence and affect of the concept of the industrial market proceeds in relation to the non-profit institutions and education. He assessed…...



Altheide, D.L., & Johnson, J.M. (1994). Criteria for assessing interpretive validity in qualitative research. In N.K. Denzin & Y.S. Lincoln (Eds.), Handbook of qualitative research (pp. 485-99). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Apling, R. & Aleman, S. (1990). Proprietary schools: a description of institutions and students. (Report No, 90-428EPW). Washington, DC.: Library of Congress, Congressional Research Service.

Apling, R. (1993). Proprietary schools and their students. Journal of Higher Education 64:4, pp. 379-416.

Barone, T.E. (1992). Beyond theory and method: A case of critical storytelling. Theory into Practice, 31(2), 142-146.

Management XYZ Action Plan 89
Pages: 4 Words: 1132

Soliciting more suggestions about how to improve the company from employees will make workers feel as if the company has a personal investment in their output, and that they can make a valuable commitment to the overall mission of the company. Having a clear sense of corporate identity can make workers feel as if they are motivated to improve the company as a unit instead of merely seeing the company as a vehicle of self-advancement. Many of the dissatisfactions articulated by the company relate to understandable individual concerns, such as the lack of personal time, overwork, promotions, and equitable pay. These all suggest that the company comes up lacking because it does not invest in workers, thus workers do not invest themselves in it.
"Herzberg, Mausner, and Snyderman (1959) identified factors such as achievement, recognition, responsibility, advancement, and personal growth which, when provided as an intrinsic component of a job,…...


Works Cited

Hill, Roger. (1996). The Work Ethic and Industrial Management. History of the Work Ethic

Retrieved May 2, 2009 at

American Economy Was Growing at an Exponential
Pages: 3 Words: 1053

American economy was growing at an exponential rate with unlimited job opportunities available in almost every industry. With the stock market breaking record highs, new upstart "" companies making millions in their first year and doubling of jobs in the service sector, a bright and stable future seemed almost a guarantee for many high school students who would soon be entering the job markets. This growth, however short lived, is now in a downhill progression with the plummeting stock market, many computer companies in bankruptcy, and American companies laying people off in record numbers and downsizing nationally. Combine this recession with globalization and American high school students are now facing fierce competition nationally and internationally for jobs. The question is whether or not your average American high school graduate is scholastically prepared to compete for these sought-after jobs? Unfortunately, I don't think so and I hope to provide valid…...



"Korea, North," Microsoft® Encarta® Online Encyclopedia 2001

© 1997-2000 Microsoft Corporation 17 Feb 2002

"Education," Life in Korea. (LIK) 17 Feb 2002

"Korean School System," Korean Family Living. 17 Feb 2002

Entrepreneur Trends in Globalism Stakeholder Knowledge and
Pages: 4 Words: 1737

Trends in globalism, stakeholder knowledge and technology -- all part of the 21st century environment, have changed marketing from a more monolithic approach to the market to a model that has actually been in place for centuries yet has now found a way to move from the small business environment to the larger organizational model simply because its strengths are just what is needed to perform in a new environment. This concept, entrepreneurship, has its origins in the French verb entreprendre, meaning "to undertake" (Hultman, C., et al., 2011). In a sense, every organizational idea starts with a core idea and thus has some entrepreneurial tendencies. These ideas have a core relationship in that they require innovation and risk in order to come to fruition (economic gain). More than anything else, the idea of entrepreneurship is a mind-set, a mode of operating as opposed to a strict method; a…...



Audretsch, D. (2007). The Entrepreneurial Society. New York: Oxford University Press.

Foreman-Peck, J., & Zhou, P. (2010, August). The Strength and Persistence of Entrepreneurial Cultures. Retrieved from Cardiff Business School: 

Frazier, L., & Madjidi, F. (2011). ICT and Social Entrepreneurship. Research in Information Technology, 8(2), 3-10.

How to Start a Cigar Lounge. (2012). Retrieved from:

Research Proposal for Management in Cosmetic Industry
Pages: 2 Words: 598

Management in Cosmetic IndustryDate: March 21, 2018To:From:Subject: Significant Scholars and elevant PublicationsThis memo will contain information on the significant scholars in the cosmetic industry and their pertinent publications. It will also focus on one of these scholars listing some of the major publications and presentations created by him or her, which are in alignments with my topics of interest.Scholars esearching Topics of InterestsThe specifically selected topics of interest in cosmetics comprise of:1. Synthetic cosmetic products and sustainability2. High definition beauty3. Natural ethical sustainabilityThere are different scholars that are presently conducting research on these particular topics. The following is a list of some of the scholars together with a brief description of their general research areas:1. Maria Luisa SotoThe general research areas focused on by this author is natural ingredients in cosmetics such as Phenolic compounds2. Olesya ZillichThe general area of research that the author lays emphasis on includes cosmetology, cosmetic…...


ReferencesBalboa, E. M., Soto, M. L., Nogueira, D. R., González-López, N., Conde, E., Moure, A., ... & Domínguez, H. (2014). Potential of antioxidant extracts produced by aqueous processing of renewable resources for the formulation of cosmetics. Industrial Crops and Products, 58, 104-110.Soto, M. L., Falqué, E., & Domínguez, H. (2015). Relevance of natural phenolics from grape and derivative products in the formulation of cosmetics. Cosmetics, 2(3), 259-276.Soto, M. L., Parada, M., Falqué, E., & Domínguez, H. (2018). Personal-Care Products Formulated with Natural Antioxidant Extracts. Cosmetics, 5(1), 13.

I\'m looking for an essay Cosmetology that is [description, e.g., research-based, persuasive, historical]. What options do you have?
Words: 474

I. Introduction
A. Explanation of what cosmetology is
B. Importance of cosmetology in personal care and beauty industry

II. History of Cosmetology
A. Origins of cosmetology
B. Evolution of cosmetology over time

III. Education and Training in Cosmetology
A. Types of cosmetology programs and schools
B. Curriculum and skills learned in cosmetology training
C. Licensing and certification requirements for cosmetologists

IV. Specializations within Cosmetology
A. Hair styling and cutting
B. Makeup artistry
C. Nail care and manicures
D. Skincare treatments

V. Career Opportunities in Cosmetology
A. Job outlook for cosmetologists
B. Potential salary ranges for cosmetologists
C. Work environments for cosmetologists


I\'m looking for an essay Cosmetology that is [description, e.g., research-based, persuasive, historical]. What options do you have?
Words: 604

Cosmetology: A Comprehensive Overview

Cosmetology is the art and science of enhancing the appearance of the skin, hair, and nails. It encompasses various treatments and techniques aimed at improving one's overall physical appearance. This essay provides a comprehensive overview of cosmetology, exploring its history, evolution, different branches, and significance in society.

The History of Cosmetology

Cosmetology has its roots in ancient civilizations, where people used natural ingredients like herbs, minerals, and oils to adorn themselves. In ancient Egypt, for example, women applied kohl to their eyes and wore elaborate wigs made from human hair or wool. In ancient Greece, men and women used....

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